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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Please click on the links below to view the documents of your choice.

St. Joachim's School Offer
St. Joachim's SEND Provision Map
SEND Policy 2024/25
Accessibility Policy & Plan 2024/25

Newham SEND and local offer - Click on the link to view more information.


Handling Complaints

Who should parents/carers contact if they have a complaint about the SEND provision?

If a parent has any concerns about their child’s learning they should initially speak to the class teacher who will meet with them to discuss their concerns. The SENDCO may be invited to this meeting.
If a parent is dissatisfied with the opportunities available to their child or progress being made an appointment should be made to speak to the SENDCO who will help with any issues raised.

Most concerns can be resolved within the school but if the issue is not concluded to a parent’s satisfaction they should follow the school’s complaints procedure which can be found on the website or is available in the School Office.​

SEND Code of Practice