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Parent Information

Our Parent information section includes further details on the day to day running of St. Joachim's. Here you will find policy documents and key information regarding the school running. If you require copies of anything please contact the school office.


 Much of a child’s learning comes from experiences out of school as well as in. The Staff at St. Joachim’s School is fully committed to extending the learning and achievement of all pupils. It recognises that parental involvement supporting this process is paramount.

We aim to:

  • Raise achievement
  • Challenge
  • Extend learning
  • Consolidate work covered in school
  • Develop good work habits
  • Encourage independent learning
  • Help parents become more knowledgeable about the school
  • Help parents be more aware of their child’s progress
  • Enable parents to support their child’s learning
  • Raise pupil self esteem through praise and encouragement
  • Improve communication between parents, teachers and pupils


Homework refers to any work or activities which pupils are asked to do outside lesson time on their own or with parents or carers. Homework should not be such that it prevents children from participating in activities after school such as sacramental preparation, sport, music and clubs of many kinds.
We seek to develop a close partnership with parents or carers involving them actively in children’s learning particularly in the early years, and as children progress through the school, to promote the development of skills requiredf or independent learning.

Special Educational Needs
Homework for pupils with special educational needs will at times reflect their targets identified on their individual educational plan (IEP), whilst every effort will be made to ensure that tasks or activities undertaken are in common with their peers.

Homework Agreement
We expect teachers to:

  • Set regular appropriate homework tailored to individual needs
  • Mark homework and give feedback to pupils
  • Build homework into the curriculum planning
  • Reward and praise pupils for their efforts
  • Report to parents, through contact at school, homework diaries and consultation evenings

We expect pupils to:

  • Complete on time, homework tasks set
  • Take pride in their homework

We expect parents to:

  • Ensure that children do all their learning and reading homework
  • Ensure that children complete on time, homework tasks set
  • Encourage children to take pride on their work
  • Praise children for doing their best
  • Sign and / or comment on homework given.

Home School links

Before your child begins school you will be invited to a parents meeting, which will give you the opportunity to ask any questions not answered on this site. In September a parent's information evening is held to give you the chance to meet your child's new teacher and to find out the topics they will be learning during that academic year. It will also outline homework expectations and deal with any issues or worries you may have. There will also be Consultation Evenings in October and March and an Open Evening in July.

Each half term starts with topic information briefing for pupils and parents. If your child is in year 6 then there will be an additional meeting to give you information about the tests the children take when they are 11.

An annual written report of your child's overall progress during the year is sent out in July. These are detailed and include all curriculum areas. If you have concerns about your child, you are welcome to make an appointment to see your child's teacher.

We also encourage parents to watch their child's class assembly and the special celebrations at Christmas, Easter and one at the end of the school year. We also have a special awards evening at the end of the school year to celebrate all our children's achievements. There are also other informal meetings during the year to which you are invited to attend such as: SAT meetings, Educational Visits and a meeting to discuss the Residential trip to Isle of Wight by Year6.

We also provide a number of parental workshops each year to support parents in helping children with their learning. Workshops include phonics, reading, writing, maths and a number of other curriculum subject areas.

Free school meals - New FSM / Pupil Premium checking service