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Year 5

 Year 5W Spring Timetable 2025 

Year 5L Spring Timetable 2025

Bread Making in Year 5W

We had a bread-tastic day making yummy bread in our classroom. The children used their maths skills to weigh the correct measurements of the ingredients, learnt the science of the active ingredient yeast and used time to cook our bread at the right temperature. The children did a great job at kneading their dough and produced an amazing loaf of bread to take home and share with their families.

5W Making Bread 2025

Year 5 Lourdes – Baking Bread

After all the bread tasting of different types of bread, learning about where we source our bread from, learning how to make bread, planning to make bread – we got to finally make bread and it was great fun!

We were very happy with the end product…and it smelt and tasted great too!

5L Making Bread 2025

Year 5 Lourdes Sponsored Walk

Last week Year 5 Lourdes took part in their sponsored walk to raise money for CAFOD. We walk all the way around the Royal Docks in one hour, reaching 5,432 steps. Thank you to everyone who sponsored our class, we raised a total of £132.75.

Y5L Sponsored Walk 2025

Carol singing at Woolwich station

Year 5 had a wonderful morning spreading Christmas cheer for all to hear at Woolwich station during our carol singing event. The children were helping to raise money for our local charity Your Place, who help people who are homeless or facing homelessness. Each child sung beautifully and kept members of the public entertained and happy whilst on their journeys.

Carol Singing Event 5L 2024


5W Ancient Egyptian Assembly

"I just want to take a moment to commend everyone involved in 5W assembly. The energy, enthusiasm, and engagement were truly impressive. From the informative presentations to the thoughtful performances, every part of the assembly came together seamlessly. It was clear that a lot of hard work and dedication went into making it a success.

A special thanks to the students who spoke and performed. You not only showcased your talents, but you also helped make the assembly memorable for everyone present.

5W Ancient Egypt

Mastering Maths in 5W

It’s clear that 5W been putting in a lot of hard work in maths this term, and it’s paying off! Whether you’ve been tackling tricky word problems, mastering multiplication and division, or exploring new concepts, you’ve all shown persistence and determination.

Keep up the amazing work, Year 5! The effort you’re putting in now will set you up for success, and I’m excited to see how much more you can achieve!

Y5W Maths

Preparing for Christmas in 5 Lourdes

We had a lovely morning celebrating the beginning of Advent and began preparing our classroom for Christmas. We changed our prayer cloth, set up a lovely advent prayer table and worked together to build and decorate our beautiful Christmas tree.

Christmas Y5L 2024

Day and Night Science

Year 5 we went outside to see how the sun and day light can help us to tell the time. First we had to see if we were facing north, we did this without a compass and estimated by the shadows on our sundials. We then used a compass to see if we were correct.
After we had finished we got into pairs and demonstrated how the Earth orbits the sun and creates day and night.

Y5L Day and Night 2024

Year 5 team building

Year 5 took some time out this week to work together in some team building games. They learnt the importance of team work and the skills that come along with it such as communication, listening and supporting one another.

5L Teambuilding 2024

Ancient Egypt

Year 5 are thoroughly enjoying learning about Ancient Egypt. We have looked at the importance of mummification, which preserves a body to go to the afterlife. We learnt the process of mummification by mummifying tomatoes. First we had to remove the inside of the tomato, before cleansing and filling with natron salt and finally wrapping the tomato nice a tight in bandages. Next week will open up our mummified tomatoes to see how the salt has preserved it.

Y5 Ancient Egypt 2024

Yr 5 Pilgrimage to Aylesford

Yr 5 Pilgrimage to Aylesford On Friday 6th September our Year 5 pupils went on a joint Pilgrimage to the monastery at Aylesford with pupils from St Helen’s We were lucky to be able to attend a very special Mass there with one of the brothers. It was a wonderful morning full of religious teachings, activities, reflectivity and prayer. We then spent the rest of the afternoon giving praise and thanks to God for the beautiful surroundings that we were in and for God’s creation. It was a fantastic way to end the first week back at school.

Y5 Aylesbury 2024

Jane Goodall

Year 5 have been learning about why Chimpanzees are becoming extinct due to deforestation and poaching. They have researched ways that we can help save the Chimpanzees and how Jane Goodall, a famous scientist and conservation leader has helped in this process too. The children shared their learning and research on Jane Goodall by creating their own television advert.

Y5L Jane Goodwall 2024

Trinity Buoy Wharf

On Wednesday 5 went to Trinity Buoy Wharf as part of our Humanities project. On our way we walked through City Island to see the Botanical Garden, whilst investigating the regeneration of the area over the past 20 years. We were lucky to be able to go inside a lighthouse and see the different sites of 'Our City, Our Home'.

Y5 Trinity Buoy Wharf 2024

Bread Making in year 5

We had a bread-tastic day making yummy bread in our classroom. The children used their maths skills to weigh the correct measurements of the ingredients, learnt the science of the active ingredient yeast and used time to cook our bread at the right temperature. The children did a great job at kneading their dough and produced an amazing loaf of bread to take home and share with their families.

 Y5 Bread Making 2024

Year 5 – Maths in Action at Olympic Park

On Wednesday year 5 went to the Olympic Park to take part in a Maths in Action activity. This helped us to use and develop the fundamentals of mathematics through varied practice, including problem solving and reasoning skills. We took surveys, created data and made estimations for a variety of different areas around the Olympic park.

Maths in Action 5W 2024


Year 5 - Tower of London

On Monday year 5 visited the Tower of London to find out about crime and punishment during the Tudor times. We visited the place where many executions took place; and was taken into a prison cell by John Neville who was charged with treason for failing to report a conspiracy against the Crown. Luckily enough we were not charged for any wrongdoings and were allowed to visit the Crown Jewels and the White Tower.

Y5W Tower of London 2024

CSI- St. Joachim’s

As part of our ‘Mystery’ English topic and Humanities ‘Crime and Punishment’ topic, we decided to become crime scene investigators ourselves.
We used our skills of deduction and forensic science knowledge to hunt down the culprit of our crime scene. We covered many areas of forensic science such as DNA collecting and creating DNA models and searching for fingerprints. Once evidence had been collected it was time to investigate the samples under the microscope, which helped us to solve the case. For legal reason we cannot name the person who committed the crime, however they have been sentenced to a lifetime in the Pillory where the person found guilty will be held for all to see.

Year 5 CSI 2024 

Mission to Mars - 09.02.24

Year 5 had a fantastic trip to the Natural History Museum. We visited the Earth and beyond floors to find out more information about Space, looked at Volcanoes and went in an Earthquake simulator.
Even more exciting than that we attended a LEGO Mission to Mars workshop. We had to be real scientists and create a prototype Mars Rover, using our STEM skills we built and created features which we thought would be important and make our Rover's successful in its mission. Once built we programmed the Rover and input coding algorithms. It was a great day had by all.

Year 5 Mission to Mars 2024 

Year 5 visited a Charity Fair - 25.01.24

Year 5 visited a Charity Fair as part of our Citizenship Project. They got the chance to meet many different charities. Some that we are familiar with such as CAFOD, SVP- Minnie Vinnies and St. John Bosco camp. They also found out about new charities, Education for change is a charity that fights against racism within the education system and My Place who support homelessness. The children enquired about the charities ethos, their mission and ways in which we can support the charities. The children were inspired by the charities and are planning ways they would like to raise money and support these charities.

Y5L Charity Fair 2024

Citizenship Project – Week 1 -12.01.24

This week in year 5 we have been enjoying the first week of the Citizenship project. We have been discussing the different types of protected characteristics and how we can avoid discrimination against these as well as investigating the challenges that some people face. We have also focussed on the graffiti artist Banksy, and how he uses his artwork to use his voice for equality.

Year 5 Knife Crime Assembly Workshop

On Thursday year 5 took part in a knife crime awareness assembly. The children looked at how to reduce knife carrying amongst children and young people. The assembly emphasised the legal consequences, physical harm and emotional impacts that arise from violence involving knives. The year 5 children were also able to explore strategies on how to reduce their involvement in such actions by good decision making using Awareness, Thinking Ahead and De-Escalation.

 Y5 Knife Crime Awareness Workshop 2023

17.11.2023 - Building Bridges

This week in D&T we began building simple structures as part of our Building bridges topic. We used different art straws which we had to cut down to size to ensure that our structures would be reliable. The focus was to explore ways in which trusses can be used to strengthen bridges. A truss is an assembly of beams put together to create a structure. Here are some of our bridges.

Year 5 Q4 1