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Year 4

Year 4W Spring Timetable 2025

Year 4 Rudolph Run

This Christmas, Year 4 students participated in the "Rudolph Run," a fun and festive charity event that combined physical activity with spreading holiday cheer!
The students embraced the Christmas spirit by dressing up in their Christmas jumpers. It was a heart-warming sight as they raced around the school track, spreading joy and enthusiasm to everyone in attendance.
The Year 4 students should be incredibly proud of their efforts, as the event was a huge success. Together, they showed how small acts of kindness and generosity can make a big difference, especially during the holiday season!

Y4 Rudolph Run 2024

29.11.24 Science Investigation

This week, Year 4 carried out an exciting science investigation to explore the properties of conductors and insulators! We built simple circuits using batteries, light bulbs, and different materials to test whether they allowed electricity to flow through them.

Y4 Science Investigation 2024


Science Week - 20.09.24

This week during Science, 4 Walsingham carried out a fun experiment that highlighted the process of the digestive system. They all took part in the experiment and discussed the process of how food travels through our body.

Science Week 4L 2024

Geographical Fieldwork Skills - July 2024

Year 4 went on a trip to Olympic Park as part of the Humanities Project: Our City, Our Home. They completed a range of fieldwork activities through observing, sketching and inputting data for the local area.
Back in school, Year 4 also completed parental surveys to analyse data for how children travel to school and whether parents are concerned about the impact of pollution for the children. Year 4 have truly developed the skills of geographers.

Geography Fieldwork Trip 4L 2024

Arts Week Trip - 5.6.24

Year 4 had an enjoyable time on their Arts week trip to complete The Link walk along the docks, including time on the cable cars thinking about how perspective can change how we observe things. They learnt about a range of artists and how their cultural heritage has inspired their use of colour, lines and patterns. Year 4 recreated some of those patterns in their sketchbooks on the route.

Year 4 Art Trip 2024

Fantastic French Work for MFL Day - 08.05.24

Year 4 had lots of fun in their learning with links to French in their lessons on MFL Day. In the afternoon, we linked our current computing topic about digital art creations. We learnt about Georges Seurat (A French artist) and the invention of pointillism as a style. Did you know it took him 2 years to create one of his most famous masterpieces? Year 4 had part of an afternoon to recreate his artwork of a French setting in the pointillist style!

Year 4 MFL 2024

Science Week in 4L - 09.05.24

Year 4 enjoyed a really enjoyable trip to the Wild Wetland Centre in Barnes as part of their Generation Wild Project. We were introduced to Ava's story and heard about the migration of ospreys. We then completed a range of nature activities learning about our connections to wildlife and how different species use their senses. We have now been given logins and tasks to continue the adventure in our home learning. If our children can complete the ten activities available, they will then be a certified Guardian of the Wild and get a badge and certificate for their efforts. We look forward to seeing lots of evidence of home learning of Year 4 continuing this connection with nature!

Year 4 also enjoyed their Science Week as a means of honing their Working Scientifically skills. We have completed identifying and classifying investigation, focused on the microhabitats in our school playground. We combined our STEM skills with computing to program microbits to log data comparing the surface temperatures of synthetic and natural resources as well as counting the levels of biodiversity.

Y4L Super Scientists 2025

Wetland Centre - 02.05.24

This week in Year 4, we went to the Wetland Centre as part of Science Week. They carried out a Generation Wild project where children had the opportunity to visit the Wetlands Centre to experience the wildlife and complete Working Scientifically objectives.

Y4 Wasteland 2024

Developing our Debating Skills - 26.04.24

Year 4 took part in a ‘Conscience Alley’ activity this week to focus on articulating for and against arguments around the motion ‘This house is in favour of sustainable palm oil production’. Year 4 have researched and retrieved lots of scientific information and facts regarding rainforests and palm oil.

Y4 Debating 2024

Exciting English News in Year 4

Congratulations to a range of our pupils in Year 4 who entered a Once Upon a dream poetry competition at the end of our Classic Poetry project in the Spring 1 half term. Some of our children’s amazing efforts have been recognised and work published in a Young Writers’ anthology.

Talent for Writing Award 2023 24

World Book Day in Year 4

Year 4 had an amazing day immersed in books and all dressed up as amazing book characters that can inspire us! Year 4 enjoyed a whole host of activities dedicated to reading and finding the genre and style of books that suit their reading preferences. They enjoyed a Book Tasting Café that included some lovely milkshakes and biscuits to accompany the calm reading environment. After this, Year 4 were reading role models to children in Year 1. A great day was had by all!

 Year 4 Lourdes World Book Day 24

Please Click this Link to view our Gallery of Year 4L's World Book Day

12.1.23 Citizenship Project in Year 4

As part of our school Citizenship project, we have had a Journalism and Non-chronological report focus in our English lessons. Throughout the week, we have been becoming experts in a major world religion. On Friday, we practised and delivered a documentary-style role play to report and share the facts with our peers.

Y4 Citizenship Project 2024

End of autumn term 15.12.23

Year 4 have had a busy autumn term! We have developed our understanding of number, place value and multiplication facts in maths. We have continued to read a range of pleasing texts and respond in creative ways as well as learning about topics like animals including humans, electricity, countries of the world and British history heroes.
To finish our term off nicely and in keeping with the festive mood, Year 4 developed their textiles skills to design, make and evaluate money containers. Take a look at the children in Year 4 Lourdes developing their stitching and sewing:

Y4 End of Autumn Term 2024

Exciting Reading

We have been reading an exciting new class storybook, The Boy Who Met a Whale. We have been developing our understanding of the text and the choices the author made to compose an entertaining story. We have been making sure we develop our answers and provide evidence. This week we have been looking into the grammar of adverbial phrases and developing our setting descriptions. Amazingly, we used an AI tool to generate an image from our super sentences. Take a look at the images that were created based on our setting description to get an idea of where our book takes place! We are going to be composing our own inventive recounts based on Chapter 9 in the next week.

Y4 Excited Reading 1

Y4 Excited Reading 2

Y4 Excited Reading 3 

Scientists electricity 17.11.23

In Year 4 we have been busy learning about the topic of electricity in our Science lessons. We have been developing our Working Scientifically skills to set up fair tests and enquiries to predict and observe whether circuits will be complete or incomplete.

Year 4 Q4 1

Year 4 Q4 2