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Year 3

Year 3W Spring Timetable 2025

Year 3L Spring Timetable 2025 

Thursday 28th November 2024 Science: Forces and Magnets

As a part of our science topic, we have been focusing on ‘forces and magnets’. To understand this topic, children have been working scientifically by; comparing how things move on different surfaces; noticing that some forces need contact between 2 objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance and exploring the strengths of different magnets and finding a fair way to compare them.

Comparing how things move on different surfaces:

3L Force and Magnets 2024 1

Exploring the magnets to understand their properties:

 3L Force and Magnets 2024 2

Art -The River of Hope Project – Year 3

This academic year 3 will be embarking on a very exciting project, funded and supported by the British School Council. Along with 6 other schools in the borough, we will look at the effects of climate change and pollution in our rivers. We are also working with a school in Somalia. Through art and drama we will work together in this project to make positive changes to our rivers. We want a safe and pollution free environment for all. Together we can make a difference!

Please see some of our work in this online gallery -

Design and Technology- 23rd May 2024

This term for design and technology, children worked on designing and creating moving monsters using a pneumatic mechanism. They explored the workings behind the pneumatic mechanism and gained an understanding that compressed air enables objects to move. Through their design and technology project, they were able to link their learning to real-life objects, such as whistle, air pumps. This hands-on project allowed the children to apply their knowledge practically and develop their problem-solving skills. They enthusiastically engaged in the project, demonstrating creativity and critical thinking as they brought their moving monsters to life.

DT Y3 2024

7th May 2024

This week for maths, children have been learning about telling the time using analogue and digital clock. Children have been learning and practicing their skill of telling the time to the minutes and to the five minutes. They have been learning to apply the skill of telling the time to calculate the duration of time using the given start and end time.

Y3 Maths 2024

Year 3’s visit to London Transport Museum

To enhance and enrich the learning of the History topic ‘Railway revolution’, year 3 visited ‘London Transport Museum’. In the museum, children engaged with the showcase of the evolution of transportation over time, providing children with a historical context. Children navigated through a museum, reading exhibit descriptions, and interacting with museum staff which provided the children with an experience of practical life skills such as communication, observation, and critical thinking.

Year 3L Transport Museum Trip 2024

 Humanities - International Day

On 11th April, children celebrated rich and diverse community with a bespoke International Day. Throughout the day children engaged in the various activities based on the chosen country ‘India’. The activities included: dancing, art and languages.
The children showcased their learning at the end of the day school assembly.

Y3W International Day 2024

Design and Technology - 21st March 2024

This term for Design and Technology, the children explored the way of making healthy sandwiches. For this project, the class discussed and communicated ideas, researched existing products, drew annotated sketches and generated design for making healthy sandwiches. The children tasted a variety of different breads and sandwiches and examined flavours and textures to decide the bread that they will be using to make their healthy sandwiches.

Y3 DesignNTec 2024 March2

 Year 3 20-03-24

For design and technology for this term, the children in year 3 focused on making healthy sandwiches. The children learnt that food can be divided into different groups and that sandwiches can form a part of healthy diet.

Year 3 DesignTec 2024

Trip to Cody Dock-21-02-24

As a part of their art project ’River of Hope,’ the children in year 3 visited Cody Dock, which accommodates 250 species of birds, mammals, plants and invertebrates within the locality of Cody Dock and the River Lea. The children had an opportunity to observe the thriving wildlife by the river Lea. They were engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the activities set to understand the importance of rivers in our ecosystem.

Trip to Cody Dock 2024

Citizenship Project 15-01-24

 Children began their journey of the spring term by delving into the citizenship project. The focus for Year 3 was on the protected characteristic of religious equality. We deepened our understanding on this topic by creating non-chronological report in English. Throughout the week, children have been exploring different religions. They engaged in a role play using hot seating, responding to questions based on their understanding of six major religions.

Y3 Citizenship Project 2024

Chess- 06/12/23

This autumn term children had an opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activity. They harnessed their ability to engage in chess by applying the key skills of visualisation, critical thinking and problem solving. The chess sessions were led by a very experienced instructor ‘Mr Dybowski’. The children actively participated and demonstrated enthusiasm throughout the sessions.

Year 3 2023 Chess 1

Year 3 2023 Chess 2

Year 3 Lourdes Autumn Term

During this autumn term, in science lessons, the class has been focusing on the topic ‘forces and magnets’. To develop an understanding on the topic, we engaged in scientific activities to observe and explore the properties of the magnets. Children investigated the strength of the different kinds of the magnet, and also conducted an experiment to observe that like poles of the magnets repel while opposite poles attract.

Year 3 Q4 1

Year 3 Q4 2