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Year 1

 Year 1L Spring Timetable 2025


Spring Term 1 - Year 1 RE

The children in Year 1 have started to learn about the mission of Jesus. We are learning about how Jesus had changed the lives of many people.
We have listened to the story of Jesus and the little children from the Gospel of Luke and in groups retold the story through role-play.

Y1 RE 2025

Year 1 Computing- Newsletter- Spring 1: 10/01/25

Year 1 Computing 2025



On Tuesday the 17th January, Year 1 children from St Helen’s school came to St Joachim’s. The year 1 children were very gracious hosts and welcomed the new cohort: ensuring that they took care of their new friends. They showed a fantastic example of how we play, pray and work together as a school community.

Year 1 2025 

Year 1 Autumn Season Walk

To begin our topic on Seasons, the children in Year 1 went out on an autumn walk around the school playground. They were instructed to find signs of autumn. The children used talk partners to discuss what signs they could see that showed the changes in seasons. They then collected objects such as leaves, sticks, twigs and bark as examples of this so that they could use these objects in their English, Science and Humanities lessons.

Yr 1 Autumn Walk 2024

Year 1 Computing

In the autumn term, the children in Year 1 have been exploring different artists in their computing lessons. We have then worked with the children to recreate their own artwork in the style of Rothko. The children used their artistic flare by using a wide range of colours and tones on the iPad’s.

1L Computing 2024


Year 1 R.E

During our topic- Prophecy and Promise under the new R.E.D Curriculum, the children in Year 1 Lourdes explored the Bible, searching for stories and understanding the importance of The Old Testament and The New Testament.
The children learnt that the stories within the Old Testament were of important people before the time of Jesus and the New Testament explains the Birth of Jesus and his entire ministry.
The children looked through the physical Bible and worked in pairs. They used the cutting and sticking activity to find stories such as “David and Goliath” and “Jesus chooses his disciples” and placed them in the correct places.



Art in Year 1

Year 1 have been exploring colour for their art topic: colour creations. The children have created a piece of artwork based on Mondrian’s use of primary colours.

Year 1W Colours 2024 


Autumn 2 Week 5

Y1 Autumn 2 Week 5 1
In year 1 we have been looking at the story of the “Rainbow fish”. In groups, we explored the different characters and their feelings. The children made sure that the characters each had a line and they spoke with expression. The children enjoyed watching and performing the role plays.

Y1 Autumn 2 Week 5 2

In our computing lessons, the children have been learning how to use iPads to film. They broke down the steps of making jam sandwiches and they filmed the making process in small groups.

Y1 Autumn 2 Week 5 3
The KS1 classes have been working very hard on their Nativity performance. The children are very excited to perform for their friends and families.


Friday 24th November 2023- Year 1 Lourdes

This week in Year 1 Lourdes, we have been learning about 3D and 2D shapes. We spent an afternoon looking at the nets of some 3D shapes. Then they carefully built their cubes and rectangular prisms. The children remained focused and demonstrated excellent listening skills.

Y1L 24.11.23

Friday 17th November 2023- Year 1 Lourdes

Y1L 17.11.23 1

In Year 1 Lourdes, we have been learning about the importance of Mary from The Annunciation Story. We have learnt the words in the prayers of the Hail Mary and The Gloria and why the words of the Angels to Mary can be found in them


Autumn 2 Week 3 - 2023

Year 1 have had a fantastic Myths and legends project this year; the children particularly enjoyed our dress up day which was started off with a visit from a theatre company which portrayed their version of King Arthur’s adventures.

Year 1 Q4 1

Year 1 Q4 2

This week, Year 1 were learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We learned how to name and identify them. In our lesson we made a shape train by sequencing the 3D shapes in different orders.

Year 1 Q4 5
Year 1 Q4 4