Reception have been reading the story ‘Blue Penguin’
Reception have been reading the story ‘Blue Penguin’. We enjoyed the story very much. We even received a letter from a whale asking for us to save some penguins that had been trapped in ice. We worked together to rescue them. Look at what we decided to do.
Melt the ice with our hands, use warm water and smash the ice with our feet.
Reception enjoying outdoor play
Our curriculum is filled with so many opportunities to explore the outdoor classroom. We have been selecting our own resources to work together, problem solve, think mathematically and scientifically, use lots of language and discover so much about our world.
Harvest Madness in Reception!
Reception have been exploring the topic harvest through many curriculum areas. We have been developing and deepening our understanding and skills within this exciting seasonal time.
Expressive arts and design
We have looked very carefully at the colours, textures and shapes of vegetables to paint our observations. We have learnt the art technique of mixing colours to create a more accurate colour palette for our representations.
During Hymn practise we learnt Harvest songs such as the ‘Harvest Samba’. This song is all about the fruit and vegetables we can find now in a very exciting and creative way. We love singing and moving our bodies rhythmically to the music!
We are also learning about how God made our wonderful world and everything in it. We went on a school hunt to look for the wonders of God’s creations. “Look, I can see God’s sky and clouds” said Nicholas.
Understanding the World
Using our senses of sight, taste, smell and touch we explored the wonderful vegetables found in the Autumn season. We have looked at seeds in vegetables, smelt the different aromas, mixed and marinated vegetables with spices, roasting and tasting them too!
We also learnt that our vegetables do not grow in supermarkets. We looked at the farms where food is grown and how they grow. Did you know that carrots and parsnips grow under the ground?
Physical Development
An important aspect in our development is learning about how food and exercise contribute to our physical development. We have been looking at healthy food choices and the positive effects of exercise on our bodies. During our PE lessons, we explore moving in different ways and working our bodies so our heart rates increase and keep us fit while strengthening our muscles to become stronger. We also explored healthy vegetables and fruit, even trying some. Yum!
Mathematical Development
We have been learning about creating repeated patterns. Using harvest seasonal resources, we created our own patterns. We could also repeat them and talk about what we need to make it a repeated pattern.
Communication and Language
Talking about what we know about this season is also so important for us to learn and experience more. We are given the opportunity to talk in every area of our curriculum. “Look at this pumpkin. It has a funny shape”.

Summer Term - Reception at Stepney Green farm
Reception visited the farm during science week. We were able to learn all about food grown on the farm and food produced by animals. When we met the animals we learnt about what animals eat, their homes and how we can look after them. We even fed the sheep hay and stroked the chicken.
Summer Term - Reception and the life cycle of a chicken
We have welcomed chicken eggs into our classroom. We are observing and exploring the life cycle of a chicken. We researched what will happen by reading the non-fiction text ‘Egg to chicken’. We then observed what was happening each day.
Summer Term - To the Ends of The Earth
For our RE topic, we have been learning about the importance of celebrating mass with our families, our school family and the parish family. We visited church to learn more about mass and special events that take place here. We also had a ‘Stay and Play’ event in school. Parents and other family members were invited to share our learning and play. We had a wonderful time!
Summer Term - A Minibeast Hunt!
Our topic this term is all about Minibeasts! We have been learning about different habitats for minibeasts, and trying to find some. Look at what we discovered at Cundy park, in our outdoor classroom and everywhere!
Spring Term - Reception at the V&A museum in Bethnal Green
We visited the V&A museum to look at the design of toys old and new. We also attended a phonics workshop where we explored different sounds using clay, drawing and museum artefacts.
Spring Term - Visit to Discover
For Citizenship Week, Reception learnt about the importance of looking after others and being a good citizen. We were given the task of looking at the elderly community and how we could help. We read a beautiful story called Miss Tizzy, all about an elderly lady who loves to play with children and saw how much they love her back. We reflected on this story and decided to share our time with the elderly at Summerdale care home. Prior to our visit we made special cards for them, we sang songs and danced.
This week in reception we have been learning all about the Nativity story and the special celebration of Advent. We made our own play dough advent wreaths, Chris tingles and advent candles. We also wrote some captions all about what happened in the story. We wrote about Angel Gabriel visiting Mary, Mary and Joseph travelling on a donkey and baby Jesus being born.
In maths we have been identifying all different kinds of 2D shapes we might find every day. We looked closely at squares and rectangles. Did you know shapes are everywhere? We saw all sorts of shapes while outside playing and all around our classroom.
We have more exciting things to look forward to next week because our story is Dear Santa. In preparation for Christmas we put up our Christmas tree and decorated it. It looks so beautiful.
Reception 17.11.23
Reception have had a very busy week! We have been practising for our Nativity production on the 6th and 7th of December. We are very excited to have our families watch us sing and perform.
Our maths this week has been very arty! We are learning about shapes and their properties. We looked at the work of Kandinsky focusing on circles and triangles.
Learning about the Loch Ness Monster for our Myths and Legends project has been so exciting! We have made Scottish shortbread, made homes for Nessie and even went on a Nessie hunt in P.E.