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Relationships & Sexual Health Education (RSHE)

At St Joachim’s, in the summer term the children learn about RSHE through A Journey of Love, a developmental programme in the Primary Years.


RSHE Policy

Consultation Parent PowerPoint

RSHE Consultation Summary


In Nursery the children learn and look at the Wonder of God’s Love. Through this focus they will begin to know and understand that they are part of the wonder of God’s love and creation.


In Reception the children learn God loving each of us in our uniqueness. The children will know and understand that God has made them unique and that although we are all different, we are special to him.

Year 1

In Year One the children learn about meeting God’s love in our family. The children know and understand that they are growing and developing as members of their own family and God’s family.

Year 2

In Year Two the children learn about meeting God’s love in the community. The children will know and understand that they are growing and developing in a God-given community.

Year 3

In Year Three the children learn about how we live in love. The children will know and understand the virtues essential to friendship e.g. loyalty, responsibility etc. and experience the importance both of forgiving and being forgiven and of celebrating God’s forgiveness.

Year 4

In Year 4 the children learn about how God loves us in our differences. The children will know and understand that they are all different and celebrate these differences as they appreciate that God’s love accepts us as we are and as we change.

Year 5

In Year Five the children learn about God loving them in their changing and development. The children will know and become aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty- sensitivity, mood swings, anger, boredom etc. and grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives.

Year 6

In Year Six the children learn about the wonder of God’s love in creating new life. The children develop, in an appropriate way for their age, an understanding of sexuality and grow further in their appreciation of their dignity and worth as children of God.