To start off our Science Week, we were fortunate to have a visitor come into school and lead part of our launch assembly. Savanna is a STEM ambassador who is a scientist that works for Sensodyne. She talked to us about how she uses science in her job and how...
Thank you to all parents/carers who attended our annual Science Fair. The fair showcased all the children's achievements in their classes and all the amazing competition entries around this year's Change and Adapt theme. We are really proud of the efforts and enthusiasm which was evident in the extraordinary outcomes...
During Science Week, Year 6 too part in a live lesson by the National Farming Union all about inheritance and adaptation which links in with our current evolution topic. We learnt about different breeds of cow and the specific adaptations they have. We also made marble runs and had to...
On Tuesday 11th February, we celebrated Safer Internet Day in classes. The theme this year was 'Too good to be true? How to protect ourselves from scams.' Each class looked at how to identify scams, instances of phishing and how to protect profiles online. Miss Mellor popped into classes in...
The Excel Centre hosted New Scientist Live Schools Day on Monday 14th October. Eight of our Year 5 pupils were lucky to attend and be immersed in the range of scientific careers available to them. They were able to focus their scientific skills and understanding to a range of real-life...
Year 4 went on an exciting trip to the British Museum this week, linked to their Anglo-Saxon learning. They went round one of the rooms on a tablet tour which involved scanning artefacts and finding out much more about Anglo-Saxons and Sutton Hoo. It was great to develop our historical...
Years 3 and 4 went to the Bank of England and were treated to an immersive storytelling of the gold laying in the vaults, bringing some of its history to life. The children could then explore the museum about money, complete a gold quiz through a hunt for facts and...
On Wednesday 1st November 2023, 40 of our Key Stage Two children were lucky enough to experience a Carabao Cup game at the Olympic Stadium, Stratford. The children had an incredible time and got to watch West Ham win 3-1 against Arsenal on the night.
Westham Match 2023 2
Westham Match...
Thank you to Fr Dan who kindly agreed to come in and answer our Year 4 students’ questions about Confirmation. Year 4 have been learning about the call to Confirmation and how this links with being chosen. Fr Dan was able to talk about his own experience of Confirmation and...
On Monday 9 October, 12 of our Year 5 and 6 pupils went across to the Excel Exhibition Centre for the dedicated Schools Day of New Scientist Live. New Scientist Live organised a brilliant programme of talks. Mr Gay, Miss Rider and our super scientists learnt and experienced a range...